I have a confession...I want to get married and have a family of my own!
Whew! I'm glad the cat is out of the bag. I'm terrible at keeping secrets, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Ok...ok...I realize that this isn't a huge confession for a single girl to make, however, I felt the need to make it known. In my admission I realize that I may have shot myself in the foot and scared away any non-marriage minded suitors, but I'm kinda ok with that. Serious suitors need only apply!
I'm currently participating in a Titus 2 group and absolutely love it!! For all of you single or married girls out there who haven't taken this class...get on it! The class is devoted to teaching us girls how to be godly women and how to live well as a daughter of God; several of the chapters are based on relationships, especially those of a godly husband and wife. Oh, and boys if you are reading this...there is a companion study for you too! But back to us girls...the last chapter we read was about obedience and centered around the female being the "helper" in the relationship. God created man to the be the leader and the woman is his helper. The study reveals that the word "helper" is only used in the Bible to describe God and Eve. Hmmm...there's something to think about.
This may sound corny and very circa 1952, but I can't wait to fulfill this role. The exciting part about all of this is that it is the role that I am called to be in! I want to be with a godly man that will lead our family and our relationship and that will encourage me in my walk with Christ. I will also encourage him and help him be the best leader that he can be. This may seem very daunting to the men reading this but don't let it. Remember, I am your helper!! I am not expecting to enter into a relationship with a man who has everything figured out, if that were the case, he wouldn't need me. I do want to be in a relationship with someone who fervently seeks the Lord; someone who spends time in the word and in prayer, who serves and seeks wise counsel and accountability from others.
These last couple of days I've read about a million articles on singleness...how to be single...how not to be single...how to pursue a relationship...how to not pursue a relationship...I think you get the picture. All the articles I have read have all had a common foundation, they have all been rooted in scripture or found on a Christian website. For the most part, each article has offered sound advice, but I'm not any closer to being with that special guy. The best encouragement I received was from a friend's blog (Thank you, Julie). She wrote about Lazarus and Jesus waiting four days before he brought him back to life. Those days were torture for Mary and Martha and the disciples were a little confused, but when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead it brought God such glory! I think that God has me in a four day (figurative) waiting period, when I do enter into a relationship it will bring God glory. It will be the kind of relationship that is crafted by scripture and HIS hand, not mine.
In the meantime, my plan of action is going to continue to be the kind of woman that God created me to be. I still need to learn more about my role as a "helper" and how to be a godly wife. I will continue to spend time in the word, developing my character and becoming more like Him. I will continue to serve and surround myself with godly women to hold me accountable and encourage my walk. I will continue to seek Him, instead of a "him".